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Bitcoin Market Updates
Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 21st) 512 288 Crypto Rand Group

Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 21st)

Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 21st) – A mixed Bag… Following my last update, I said market conditions are tricky… I also said I expect to see 18/19k BTC and 1375 ETH… Those statements remain unchanged this morning… The sentiment is still bearish here and after reviewing pleb YT content the consensus is bearish.…

Bitcoin Market Updates
Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 14th) 512 288 Crypto Rand Group

Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 14th)

FTX Rugged Crypto, Now Powell’s Rugging the US labour force. I’m going to cover legacy first then crypto… SPX Price Projection Legacy markets decoupled from the crypto madness last week following a favourable CPI print – For the record… FOR NOW… I think we see declining inflation in the next print also. So I think…

Coinbase investments
Coinbase Ventures Investments 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Coinbase Ventures Investments

Coinbase Investments Coinbase Ventures are often viewed as a gold standard for VC investing so interesting to know what their investments look like Key areas where Coinbase Ventures have invested & some key projects within each of them Coinbase Portfolio : Coinbase is a well-known company for the Cryptocurrency exchange, but also for the number…

crypto asia
The Most Crypto-Friendly Countries in Asia 1472 828 Crypto Rand Group

The Most Crypto-Friendly Countries in Asia

Best Crypto Taxes and Laws in Asia Asia has been historically avant-garde in digital technology, and the trend has been confirmed by the prompt adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain. With almost 50% of the global crypto trades taking place in Asia, regulators inevitably had to start paying attention, especially due to the rising number of…

Bitcoin Market Updates
Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 9th) 512 288 Crypto Rand Group

Bitcoin and Crypto Market Updates (November 9th)

Key charts to watch this week and bitcoin market updates. Also, bookmark the 10th This week – CPI day Bitcoin Price Projection Two key levels here at 22k and 20k… If we lose 20k I think we test the 18’s and possibly lower. If we can break above 22k convincingly we stand a chance of…

StormX AMA Transcription 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

StormX AMA Transcription

First of all, thanks to Crypto Rand for hosting us today, we’re excited to share a little more about StormX with you all. I’ll start with a brief intro. Hi! My name is Matt Chuen ????and I am the CMO at StormX. Together with @Tinooh, Head of Crypto Relations & Community we are going to…

GensoKishi AMA Transcription 1200 630 Crypto Rand Group

GensoKishi AMA Transcription

Are there any plans to collaborate with famous anime or games? Yes of course! So about collabs, yeah our company has been making games in Japan for 20+ years and has partnered with numerous world-class Japanese IPs in the past. Know them? haha Fairytail is a super famous anime as well They became avatars in…

Crypto Cavemen Club AMA Transcription 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Crypto Cavemen Club AMA Transcription

What should a player prepare to enjoy CAVEWORLD? If we need to purchase NFT to enter the game, I wonder how to purchase it and how much initial investment it costs. To kick things off I’ll answer the first of the questions: Answer: For the earliest access, you would want to purchase any Caveman. Their…

Blast Royale
Blast Royale AMA Transcription 1280 551 Crypto Rand Group

Blast Royale AMA Transcription

Renni over at Blast Royale recently answered our community’s questions from which this transcription is from.Feel free to join us for future AMAs! I am interested to invest in Blast Royale because I enjoy playing the Beta Test of Blast Royale. When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges? Hi,…

Walken AMA Transcription 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Walken AMA Transcription

Julia over at Walken recently answered our community’s questions from which this transcription is from.Feel free to join us for future AMAs! Are you planning to create some sort of a tournament in the app to maximise the rewards? Maybe an entry fee like pokemon?  Yes, We’re working on tournaments right now, can’t tell you…

Epic NFT
Epic Games Welcomes NFTs to Its Platform 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Epic Games Welcomes NFTs to Its Platform

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney said that the company will not ban NFTs, as developers “should be free to decide how to build their games.” A news that should reassure the crypto industry from one of the giants of the global video game. An expected and now clear position Tim Sweeney, founder and CEO of…

samsung bitcoin
Samsung’s Revolution for Bitcoin Mining 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Samsung’s Revolution for Bitcoin Mining

As you know, bitcoin miners deploy super-powerful machines and put their computing power at the service of the network. In this way, miners help secure the blockchain and are paid in bitcoins in return. As the mining industry has become more professional, competition has also intensified. Several technological revolutions have already taken place on the…

Ripple tokens
Ripple Founder Sold All His Tokens 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Ripple Founder Sold All His Tokens

Jed McCaleb is among the main designers/founders of XRP and Ripple, along with David Schwartz and Arthur Britto. However, as of 2013, he left the company to found the crypto project Stellar (XLM). When he left Ripple, however, he took with him no less than 9 billion XRP Tokens, which he has been selling regularly…

Digital Yuan
China’s Digital Yuan Giving Bitcoin a Hard Time 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

China’s Digital Yuan Giving Bitcoin a Hard Time

China may be very discreet about its communications with foreign countries, but at home, its central bank digital currency (CBDC) is making great strides. Indeed, the tests of the digital yuan (e-CNY) will now bring it to millions of merchants on Chinese soil. E-YUAN: 23 NEW TEST AREAS IN CHINA While the United States and…

Tesla bitcoin
Tesla $400 Million Drop Over Bitcoin 1024 500 Crypto Rand Group

Tesla $400 Million Drop Over Bitcoin

Companies that had bet on a rise in bitcoin’s value on top of their normal business made news during BTC’s rally to an all-time high of $69,000. At its peak, the cryptocurrency market reached a market capitalization of nearly $3 trillion, but in recent months, the value of digital currencies has melted to $0.8 trillion.…

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